Topic: Blockchain and the Vedas Connection
Speaker: Dr. Ashish Kundu, Head of Cybersecurity Research, Cisco Research
Date: March 18th, 2023
Time: 2 PM EST
Zoom Link: Provided in NITROAA WhatsApp and Telegram groups
Abstract: With the advent of bitcoin in 2008 and the underlying blockchain technology, the computing as well as the financial world have embraced the technology. Several types of cryptocurrencies as well as useful applications on blockchain platforms have been developed. In this talk, we shall focus on exploring the fundamentals of the blockchain technology, bitcoins and why blockchain is a foundational shift from centralized computing towards de-centralized computing. We shall also present to you an exciting finding that shall connect The Vedas and India’s ancient contributions to Blockchain even before Bitcoins existed.
Speaker Bio: Dr. Ashish Kundu is currently at Cisco Research as its Head of Cybersecurity Research. He worked at Nuro as its Head of Cybersecurity, and as Research Staff Member at IBM T J Watson Research Center. He is an ACM Distinguished Member and has also been an ACM Distinguished Speaker. He has led security, privacy, and compliance of self-driving cars, tele-operated driving, cloud-based healthcare, and cloud-based AI-driven education platforms. His research has led to more than 160 patents filed with more than 150 patents granted, and more than 50 research papers. He has been honored with the prestigious Master Inventor recognition multiple times by IBM Research. Dr. Kundu received his Ph.D. in Cybersecurity from Purdue University and received the prestigious CERIAS Diamond Award for outstanding contributions to cybersecurity.